Hutton Cranswick Community Primary School

Vision and Aims 


Our vision statement is short and concise: 

Aspire, believe, succeed – together we achieve. 

As a school family we feel that aspirational is something that everybody should be in and around school, and that believing in ourselves and in others to achieve those goals is highly important. Feeling success is the end product of any achievement, no matter how big or small, academic, behavioural or social. The element of teamwork is also crucial to everything we do.

Our key aims were decided by the children, parents, staff and governors.  We believe that our aims are for everyone connected with the school. We hope you will agree that they cover everything it takes to become a truly great school.

Aspire, Believe, Succeed – Together We Achieve

As our vision states we will – aspire to be the best we can be, allowing everyone to achieve and experience success.

In order to achieve this we will:

H - Help grow good people who are inspired to make a difference to our community and world.

C - Care for and value ourselves and each other, ensuring everyone feels happy and has a smile on their face.

C - Celebrate positive and enthusiastic learners who persevere with challenges.

P - Provide a safe environment where we feel safe and act responsibly.

S - Secure and develop skills that will help us throughout life.

'In lessons and around the school, pupils conduct themselves well. They are friendly and keen to help others. They are clear about the expectations the school has of them. Teachers manage behaviour well in lessons, rarely having to raise their voice. They apply the school policy to reward good behaviour and to warn pupils when their behaviour begins to fall below expectations. Pupils felt that they are treated fairly and also praised the school’s reward system.'

(Ofsted, July 2019) 

Our aim is to ensure that all members of our learning community show the highest levels of care and concern towards each other, and for the world around us.  It is important that children know exactly what is expected of them, and to help this, we have summed up simply our four main expectations linked to our overarching aim to create a caring school. Please see Our Expectations below.