'The governors are passionate about the school and ensuring pupils get the best possible education.
They have the knowledge and expertise to offer support and challenge to school leaders.'
(Ofsted, June 2024)
The Governing Body of Hutton Cranswick CP School are committed to a simple vision for the school. We work to ensure that the children attending our school thrive in a safe and stimulating learning environment achieving their full academic potential, that they are provided with opportunities to enrich their life experience and learn the skill of building relationships with those around them. These are all essential foundations that will help equip the children for their future lives.
The governors bring a mix of experience and skills that enable us to support the school in achieving these goals. Two of the governors are staff from the school, providing the necessary overlap for the Governing Body to be fully informed. Non-staff governors work on an entirely voluntary basis.
Ray Sharpe Chair of Governors
Hi everyone reading this. I have lived in the village for fifteen years and have been a School Governor for ten. Married, I became a Governor when our child was at this school. I operate a local business which along with my Governor role and a dog keeps me very busy! I am passionate that every child should have the best possible start in school life which has led me to take on the roles of Pupil Premium and SEN Link Governor. I believe it is really important that all children develop a thirst for learning at Primary School, this will stand them in good stead for their future lives.
Suzanna Hills Vice Chair of Governors
Chair of the L&M Committee
Melanie Harrington
Kelly Zreika
My name is Kelly and I have lived in the village for many years, attending Hutton Cranswick School myself as a child. I have been a school governor since 2019 and have 2 children, who both attend the school, in years 3 and 5.
I am a primary school teacher with a real passion for the Early Years. I believe that all children should have the opportunity to blossom and thrive at school and develop a true love of learning from an early age. I am the link governor for English, which includes reading, writing, speaking and listening, phonics and spelling. I believe that encompassing children with the skills they need to read and write is invaluable.
Jan Minns
Anne Lilly
I am married, have four boys and two grandchildren. We have lived in Driffield for the past 30 years. Working in education since qualifying as a teacher in 1978 I have taught in Cyprus, Wales and latterly in Yorkshire. I have been both part/full time teacher, AST, Deputy Head teacher and 3 years prior to retirement I was Co Head teacher at Cherry Burton CE VC Primary School. I believe that the primary years of a child’s education are crucial to their later academic achievements and – just as importantly – to the development of social and other life skills. Also, that clear direction and leadership are key to an effective school governing body and therefore a successful school. I have been on the governing body of Hutton Cranswick Community Primary school since 2016 as Local Authority representative and have the delegated role as Link Governor for: Educational Visits, Safeguarding & Child Protection, PSHCE, RSHE, and Music. I welcome the opportunity to be part of the Governing body and to continue to support and challenge the excellent work that the Head teacher and staff have in place.
Liz Burkinshaw
Adele Elliott
Staff Governor
As well as teaching our Year 6 class and leading Key Stage 2, I have been on the governing body for the past four years. As part of my role I bring professional experience and knowledge as well as representing our staff team. I am passionate about giving the children at Hutton Cranswick Primary School the very best primary education and hope to leave them with many happy and positive lasting memories. My main aim is to help children grow, both personally and academically, ready for them to become successful, life-long learners in the future.
Anna Worsdale
Hi I’m Anna, I have recently become a Governor as I am passionate about the school and its values. I have lived in the village all my life and I have 2 children at the school.
I work in Housing at East Riding Council, and in my spare time I help out with friends of the school activities. I enjoy walking my dogs and watching my children doing gymnastics and dancing.
Ian Sibley-Calder
I have lived in the Village for 12 years, been on the Parish Council for 9 years and a Co-opted Governor of the Primary School for just over 2 years. One of my main roles is to provide a link between the school and the Parish Council. I also bring experience from my past role as a Governor of Hornsea Secondary School and from my 30 years in medicine as a GP and an Occupational Health Physician. I have largely retired now. As a Parish Councillor, I have taken on the role of looking after the village pond. Setting up the Christmas decorations, lights etc. and am currently restoring the old telephone box on the green. I live in the village with my wife and my dog Rufus. We are both very keen on cycling, on the open road and virtually in our ‘pain cave’. I also have a Triumph motorbike and hold a Pilots licence.
Ian Walker
I am a dedicated parent governor and have lived in the village since 2020. I volunteered for the role in June 2021 so I could bring my passion and commitment for learning and education into a fostering a positive learning environment. With a background in languages, I am the linked governor for Modern Foreign Languages. I actively engage with school policies, contributing valuable insights to enhance educational outcomes. A collaborative and experienced leader, I strive to bridge the gap between parents and the school community, ensuring a well-rounded and inclusive educational experience for all students.
Our work is organised through two committees:
Pupil Achievement & Teaching
Leadership & Management
Each committee meets at least once termly to monitor, review and plan the various aspects of their remits. Their work feeds into the Full Governors Body termly meeting, at which all governors are present. Governors make visits into school so that we are able to see for ourselves what is happening in the school. We are closely involved in the Ofsted inspection process and in monitoring action plans put in place to improve standards in school.
The role of governor is rewarding and challenging. It is all about the children.
Our role is strategic not operational; non staff governors are not involved in the day to day running of the school. We are there as a 'critical friend', especially for the leadership of the school, and are a source of advice, support and challenge, providing accountability. We have strong support from the Local Authority and receive training on what is expected of us as governors.
How could you become a governor?
The school will make the school community aware if there are vacancies on the governing body. However, there is further information on the National Governors Association (NGA) website on both the role of a governor and how you can become a governor if you are interested.
Terms of Reference Headteacher Performance Review Committee
Terms of Reference Leadership and Management Committee
Terms of Reference Pupil Achievement and Teaching
Governor Attendance
Hutton Cranswick C P School Governor Code of Conduct
Register of Business Interests